- March 1 - Enrollment Opens (online applications)
- August 1 - Families notified by email of eligibility
Best practices for Families:
- Families should check their email frequently and respond immediately. Applications cannot be processed until they are complete.
- Emails are sent from "School Messenger" or "ChildPlus Messenger"
- The Subject line will say "Incomplete Application."
- Emails will request missing documents and provide a link to follow to upload missing documents.
Families Who Have Completed the Application Before:
- Families who have completed an application online for a different child will already have an account or application on file. These families must email and "request a new link for a new child."
- Please include in the email:
- Parent's name
- Child's name and date of birth
- Name of program (public school pre-K, Head Start, or early learning center)
- Request a new link to apply for a new child for the new academic year
- Please include in the email:
- Remember families cannot go back to the application to make changes or upload a missing document. A new link is needed and can ONLY be provided by email request (email requests at
Enrollment Reminders:
- Families will be notified by email of an acceptance or rejection to the program by August 1
- Ascension does not have a tuition-based seat program in public schools.
- Applications cannot be processed until they are "complete," which means all required documents are uploaded.
- Once all seats are filled, the remaining students will be placed on a waiting list if a seat is not available for which they qualify.
Do not proceed until you have collected all required documents to complete your application.
- To confirm documents, visit the Admissions tab and click Required Documents to view a list of all documents.
- Once you submit your application you CANNOT go back and revise it or upload additional documents.
Parent Satisfaction Survey